Wild Pictures from the Studio
Just prior to 2004, I took over the
biggest baddest and best studio ever! It's huge and great and
evolving into a much cooler studio/gallery. Not just a place
for great parties!
The plan is to turn it into an Art
Gallery for my own artwork. This will allow me to host and run
my own art openings and this way there will be no commisions
to pay. Another way to buy Chris Wright artwork direct! The
first art opening and grand opening of the gallery will be aproximately
about mid-March.
To break in the studio, there had
to be a few parties and there was a camera present. There is
a select number of these pictures in the collectors section.
A treat for the collectors, and perhaps a little more incentive
to attract new collectors.
I've been planning it for awhile but
I'm not too sure if it is even a good idea.The thought structure
goes as such. You, the collectors of my work, pay my bills.
Every item of art that you purchase provides the funds neccessary
to afford my new studio. I thought I would share some of the
adventures of my studio with you, since in a way it is your
studio too.
This collectors section is limited to owners of
Chris Wright artwork.
I'm really curious to hear what everyone thinks
of this party behaviour. Does it mesh with the Chris Wright
image? Is it something that should be associated with my art?
Does it bring more personality to the artwork or detract from
it? Did I already cross that line with the Drunk Chick Cards?
Please email any opinions!
If you don't have a password to this
secret section then please email myself at Chris@Wright.org
or contact the person you purchased the artwork through.